The frequent flash browser crashing problem you will likely face if you are using Google Chrome browser. This is due to the following reason, there are two flash programs installed in the computer one by the Windows and one by Google Chrome. While flash installed by Google Chrome is installed automatically, Windows flash update is not frequent. The conflicts between the two causes repeated crashes in the browser.
To fix this problem use the following steps from
1. Open a new tab and type: "about: plugins" without the quotes
2. Go to "Flash" and click "Details" on the right top side
3. You will see two or more Flash versions (one installed by Chrome in browser and the other installed by Windows)
4. Disable the Flash installed by Chrome browser (usually stored in the computer in the following folder ...AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\17.0.963.38\gcswf32.dll)
5. Restart the browser
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